Water Filtration Plant

"We consistently, professionally, and economically produce a high quality drinking water that meets the needs of our customers.”

The Plattsburgh Water Filtration Plant is responsible for the safe and efficient production of quality potable water 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. All operators are certified by the state of New York. The Chief Operator has the highest available certification: NYS Grade 1A.

Some of the specific duties of the operator are the proper dosing of chemicals and the operation of pumps. The Operators are also responsible for monitoring the operation of the plant and for doing laboratory analysis of water samples on a routine basis.

Our Operators
Our operators receive training in all aspects of treatment and treatment advances. They are prepared to address any operating difficulty from changing raw water characteristics to mechanical failure. Quality is first rate. In 2007 filter water quality was always less than .02 NTU although standard allows for 0.5 NTU.

Chief Operator
The Chief Operator is responsible for preparing reports, supervising employees, and monitoring the day-to-day operation of the plant to ensure that high quality water, meeting all standards is produced.


If you are interested in setting up a tour of our facility for your school or group, or for more information please contact our Chief Operator. Please be advised that no pictures or video taping is allowed.

Public Water Supply ID# NY0900217

Annual Water Quality Report

Links to Reports

  1. City of Plattsburgh Annual Water Quality Report 2015 (pdf)
  2. City of Plattsburgh Annual Water Quality Report 2016 (pdf)
  3. City of Plattsburgh Annual Water Quality Report 2017 (pdf)
  4. City of Plattsburgh Annual Water Quality Report 2018
  5. City of Plattsburgh Annual Water Quality Report 2019
  6. City of Plattsburgh Annual Water Quality Report 2020
  7. City of Plattsburgh Annual Water Quality Report 2021
  8. City of Plattsburgh Annual Water Quality Report 2022 (pdf)
  9. City of Plattsburgh Annual Water Quality Report 2023


Chlorination and Your Drinking Water
Chlorine is used for disinfection at the Plattsburgh Water Treatment Plant as it is at 98% of U.S. public water supplies that are disinfected. It is the only disinfectant available that protects all the way to the tap.

Applying the Chlorine
Chlorine is applied prior to the sedimentation process and filtration at levels necessary to ensure kill of bacteria, viruses, and protozoa that are known to cause illness in humans. Chlorine levels leaving the plant are maintained at levels that insure the distribution system is safe from regrowth of biological organisms.

Chlorine Tests
Chlorine residuals leaving the Water Treatment Plant vary from 1.0 – 2.0 MG/L. Each month, in excess of 20 samples are tested throughout the city distribution system for chlorine. Typically chlorine levels average 0.5 – 0.8 MG/L with a range of none detected to 1.8 MG/L.

We realize that from time to time that chlorine is noticeable to some of our customers. Anyone bothered by this can eliminate the Chlorine taste or odor by placing a pitcher of water in the refrigerator and letting it sit for several hours. If your water smells like bleach call us at (518) 563-1188. We will investigate the cause and make adjustments where possible.

Water Quality FAQ

Yes! Plattsburgh Water Treatment Plant produces drinking water that meets all the federal and state drinking water standards. We have tested for lead and copper in homes that have lead services and found that all levels are below the action level.

The City of Plattsburgh utilizes three upland gravity service water sources, (Mead reservoir, Westbrook reservoirs, and Saranac river), to supply drinking water to the City of Plattsburgh. Water taken from the sources is piped to the cities water filtration plant located west of the city limits on NYS Route 3.nt.

The City of Plattsburgh Water Treatment Plant is a conventional filtration plant. Water taken from the sources is treated with a coagulant (PCH 180), which uses the fine particles in the water to combine thereby increasing their ability to settle during the sedimentation process. After sedimentation the water is filtered. Chlorine is added prior to the sedimentation process and after filtration to insure organisms in the water that can cause illness are killed.

A cross connection is a physical interconnection between the drinking water and possible sources of contaminated water. In the home, typical cross-connections may be from garden hoses, sprinkler systems, dishwashers and heating systems. Cross-connections must be avoided to protect your health. If you suspect a cross contamination City of Plattsburgh customers should call the Dept.of Public Works at (518) 563-1120. 

changes in flow may disturb this material and cause discolored water. Entrained air may also cause the water to be “milky”. Typical events that may cause temporary discoloration of the water include:
- Fire in the area
- Breaks and repairs in the water main
- Construction of the water mains
- Hydrant flushing and maintenance work

Do not drink discolored water! Should this occur run your cold-water faucet for a period to clear the water. If the water remains discolored run the cold water in the bathtub at full rate for 5 – 10 minutes. If discoloration remains customers should call City of Plattsburgh Public Works at 518-563-1120.